Xamarin vs Ionic: Which is Better for Mobile App Development in 2021?

4 min readMay 14, 2021


Xamarin vs Ionic: Which is Better for Mobile App Development in 2021?


Once you’ve chosen to build a cross-platform app, the next step is to figure out which hybrid framework is right for your mobile app development company. There are several cross-platform platforms available on the market, but Xamarin and Ionic are the standouts.

About the fact that Xamarin is a cross-platform framework and Ionic is a hybrid front-end framework, we can distinguish which one is a long-term solution for Mobile App Development.

Xamarin is a Microsoft-backed company that has been in the industry for a long time. Ionic, on the other hand, has a large developer group of over 5 million people.

The regional range demonstrates the Ionic community’s widespread popularity on the American continent. Xamarin, on the other hand, is common among developers in Eurasia and the Middle East.

An Overview of Xamarin and Ionic

Xamarin is a well-known cross-platform development tool that developers use to build native-like and performant applications.

It was formed in 2011 and acquired by Microsoft in 2016. Following the acquisition, the Xamarin SDK was open-sourced and made publicly available through Microsoft Virtual Studio. More than 15,000 businesses from various sectors, including oil, transportation, and healthcare, are currently using the system.

Xamarin development services use a single programming language, C#, in conjunction with the.NET framework, to develop smartphone applications for a variety of platforms and needs. It also makes use of XAML, a markup and data linking language for apps.

Xamarin serves as an abstraction layer that allows platform-to-platform connectivity with shared code. The programs can be written and assembled into native application packets (.apk for Android and. IPA for iOS).

Ionic is an open-source UI toolkit for developing hybrid cross-platform smartphone apps. It employs WebView for a smartphone rather than native platform components.

The platform makes use of well-known JavaScript codebases such as vanilla JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue. Ionic also has several component presets to offer native features. The architecture is well-known for delivering efficient output while requiring minimal DOM manipulation.

Xamarin vs Ionic: A comparison chart

Xamarin vs Ionic

Here’s a quick comparison of these frameworks in terms of ramp-up time, user experience, development rate, and architectural trend.

  1. User experience — Xamarin provides the customers with the easiest, quickest, and most honest experience possible. It elevates a user’s user experience to that of its rivals. In contrast, Ionic has a standard user interface. To compete, one must constantly update the Ionic to continue using it to stay ahead of the competition.
  2. Working capability in Complex Projects- Xamarin is the perfect platform for long-term initiatives. If an app has a lot of capabilities, Xamarin can easily sustain it in the future. In contrast, it would be difficult to manage a complex app with several lines of code in Ionic.
  3. Programming language and support- Xamarin is written in C# and is sturdier for.NET developers. The Microsoft benefit is icing on the cake for Xamarin. Ionic is preferably based on JavaScript and is not compiled on C# or.Net code.
  4. Time taken to ramp up- In terms of ramp-up time, Xamarin outperforms Ionic because there are fewer memory problems and no dynamic language mixtures. Ionic, on the other hand, has a lot of memory protection problems, which results in low output and a long ramp-up period.
  5. 64-bit support- The Xamarin application mode supports 64-bit, which, if necessary, can also be pushed into a 32-bit target. It supports 64-bit mode only on iOS when talking about Ionic. 64-bit Mode on Android does not support the most recent update
  6. Framework pattern- Xamarin only supports the MVVM pattern since it is influenced by Microsoft. Ionic, on the other hand, provides an MV pattern (MVC+MVP+MVVM) enabling stability.
  7. Quick development- Xamarin takes time for debugging or test codes. On the contrary, the Ionic is fast because of the simulator ripple. Ionic helps to prepare the app over a defined span of time.
  8. Cost-effectiveness- To use Xamarin, one must pay $1000/Coder/Year, while Ionic is free of charge. In the case of Ionic, the only requirement is that developers should be able to work with a variety of programming languages.

App Development Companies

The following data comprises the top Xamarin and Ionic app development companies as of 2021.

Xamarin app development companies

Hidden Brains, Rishabhsoft, Peerbits, Valuecoders, iWebServices

Ionic app development companies

Mindinventory, Hiddenbrains, Solution Analysts, iWebServices, BR Softech, 360 Degree Technosoft,


The appropriate framework is ultimately determined by the enterprise. Each framework has its advantages and disadvantages. However, if you want to build a high-quality product with a better user interface, the Xamarin programming system is the best choice. On the other hand, if you want an app that requires less development time and money, you can use the Ionic platform. As mentioned above, it can be concluded that both platforms are appropriate for use. However, to make the selection more accurate, the app’s criteria should be followed.

  • Select the Xamarin framework if:

1. You are fluent in C# and the.net platform.

2. You are unconcerned with the volume of the application.

3. You want to have as much access to native APIs as possible in your programs, such as Bluetooth and SDKs.

  • Select the Ionic framework if:

1. You are well-versed in web-based technologies.

2. You want to try out a new project and are launching a new startup.

3. Since the application’s requirements are straightforward, it does not necessitate extensive customization.




Written by iWebServices

iWebServices is an award-winning mobile and web app development company offering scalable mobility solutions to Startups and Enterprises, Development sectors.

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