Top 10 Security Tips For iOS Mobile App Developers

5 min readAug 17, 2021


The use of mobile applications has risen dramatically in the modern world. People utilise a variety of mobile applications in their everyday lives to meet their various demands. There are smartphone applications for nearly everything, from groceries to entertainment to banking.

Without a doubt, the iOS operating system dominates the app industry. The majority of developers choose iOS. Because consumers are increasingly reliant on mobile apps, their security has become critical.

Businesses invest a significant amount of money in the security of mobile apps, which hold a great deal of sensitive information. As a result, the developers must provide secure and safe programmes for consumers. Every iOS app development company must have a dedicated team of professionals to ensure security in their products.

1. Create a Safe Code

Most attackers utilise bugs and vulnerabilities in code as a starting point for breaking into an application. They’ll attempt to reverse engineer and tamper with your code, and all they’ll need is a public copy of your software to do it. According to research, dangerous malware is now infecting over 11.6 million mobile devices.

Keep the security of your code in mind from the start and harden it to make it difficult to crack. To prevent reverse engineering, obfuscate and minify your code. Testing should be done regularly, and defects should be fixed as soon as they are discovered. Create code that is simple to update and patch. Make sure your code is flexible enough to be changed at the user level after a breach. Make use of code hardening and signing.

2. Encrypt Every Bit of Data

Every piece of data that passes through your iOS app must be encrypted. Encryption is the process of scrambling plain text until it becomes a jumbled alphabet soup that only those with the key understand. This implies that even if data is taken, thieves will be unable to read it and exploit it.

When agencies like the FBI and NSA are caught requesting authorization to access iPhones and decipher WhatsApp conversations, you can see how powerful encryption can be. Hackers won’t be able to break through if they aren’t willing to do so.

3. Be Extremely Wary of Libraries

When utilising third-party libraries, be extra cautious and carefully verify the code before incorporating it into your project. Some libraries, as valuable as they are, maybe highly unsafe for your project. For example, the GNU C Library had a security vulnerability that allowed attackers to remotely execute malicious code and damage a machine. And this flaw went unnoticed for more than seven years. To safeguard their apps against library vulnerabilities, iOS app developers should use restricted internal repositories and implement policy controls during purchase.

4. Only Use Authorised APIs

APIs that aren’t allowed and aren’t well-coded might accidentally provide a hacker access to sensitive information. Caching permission information locally, for example, makes it easier for programmers to reuse that information when performing API requests. It also makes life easier for developers by making it easy to access APIs. However, it also provides a backdoor for attackers to take advantage of privileges. APIs should be approved centrally, according to experts, for optimal security.

5. Make Use of Multi-factor Authentication

Because some of the most serious security breaches occur as a result of inadequate authentication, it’s becoming increasingly necessary to employ better authentication. Simply put, authentication refers to the use of passwords and other personal identifiers as entry barriers. Although a big portion of this is dependent on your application’s end users, you may urge them to be more attentive to authentication as an iOS app mobile app developer.

You may have your applications accept only strong alphanumeric passwords that need to be updated every three or six months. Multi-factor authentication, which combines a static password with a dynamic OTP, is gaining popularity. Biometric authentication, such as retina scans and fingerprints, can also be employed in the event of too sensitive software.

6. Implement a Tamper-detection System

When someone tries to tamper with your code or inject malicious code, there are ways to set off alarms. Active tamper detection may be used to ensure that if the code is changed, it will not operate at all.

7. Apply the Least Privilege Principle

The concept of least privilege states that a programme should be run with just the rights it requires. Your app shouldn’t ask for any more permissions than are necessary for it to function. Don’t ask for access to the user’s contacts if you don’t need it. Make no network connections that aren’t essential. The list goes on and on, and it all relies on your app’s details, so keep threat modelling in mind as you change your code.

8. Implement Session Handling Properly

On smartphones, “sessions” continue far longer than on PCs. This makes session management more difficult for the server. To identify a session, use tokens rather than device IDs. Tokens may be revoked at any moment, making them more secure in the event of a device being lost or stolen. Enable remote data cleaning and remote log-off from a lost or stolen device.

9. Session Management

If a device is lost or stolen, session management comes in useful since tokens may be revoked at any moment, allowing for remote log-off and data wiping.

10. Test Regularly

Following the completion of the app development process, it’s time to manage various tests, assess dangers, and provide realistic ways to mitigate them.

For Secure Mobile App Development, Hire iWebServices.

iWebServices has been a renowned and well-respected mobile app development service provider. Our skilled developers take mobile app security extremely seriously, having created several successful apps for both iOS and Android devices.

Our developers take necessary efforts to reduce risks, analyse and eradicate vulnerabilities, and guarantee that the mobile app they build has hard-baked security features from the start throughout the development period.

Contact us today to take advantage of the advantages of a highly secure and resilient app that operates across many platforms.




iWebServices is an award-winning mobile and web app development company offering scalable mobility solutions to Startups and Enterprises, Development sectors.