10 mobile app categories that will shape the post COVID world
With the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, businesses are still finding ways to cope with the loss in consumers and the general change in trend and consumer behavior. Companies that are flexible and innovative have been thriving, while the rigid ones have seen consistent losses and decline.
Although several industries like hospitality, travel and retail need some time to return to their normal states, a few other sectors like work-from-home, gaming, video streaming, and eCommerce have become huge. They have become the saviors of the pandemic era, and mobile apps for all of these industries have been booming.
This blog highlights the 10 top mobile app categories that could survive the COVID pandemic era and emerge victoriously. These mobile apps are becoming more and more popular and are helping people become stronger and mentally stable by reducing anxiety. If you have a mobile app development agency, these categories are something that you can look into.
Categories of mobile apps that will shape the post COVID world
People are stuck at home with nothing to do, and in that process, so many people are inclined to neglect their physical and mental health. Due to the severe lack of physical movements, healthcare apps like fitness apps, medical care apps, meditation and stress-relief, and mental health applications are helping people survive the pandemic in their way.
Online education
So many students are stuck at home, schools and colleges getting shut down due to the pandemic. However, the digitalization of classrooms is something that almost all of them have seen in recent months. Due to this digitalization, apps like Google Classroom and Safe Classroom have become the new normal.
Home improvement apps
People are spending more and more time at home, and that is why apps that help people with renovation supplies, home improvement, and other home accessory development have boomed. People are trying to make their places a lot more comfortable, practical and attractive by using these apps.
Food delivery
With restaurants and cafes shutting down in an attempt to curb the spread of the pandemic, apps that let people order food to their homes have become popular. Restaurants and other eateries that have not been able to supply food have switched to sending packaged food to homes. These apps have become a daily use necessity for many people who stay at home and do not know how to cook or have been quarantined.
Social media
People and governments have been pushing out norms for social distancing. As people stay at home and have no way of connecting with their friends physically, people have switched to social media apps like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp to stay connected with their family, friends, and community. In recent times, these apps have seen a massive spike in their daily active users since the spread of the pandemic. People are becoming more and more engaged on social media because everybody is posting, sharing, and chatting with other people more than ever now.
e-Learning apps
Some people have tried to make their time at home more productive and have been attempting to learn new things academically to hone themselves during their free time. As a result, the e-learning division of mobile apps has become very popular during the COVID time. Online language mastery apps like Duolingo experienced a net growth of 150% during March 2020 in the United States.
Reducing boredom for people is something that they have to do with the absence of friends and being stuck at home for months. Hence, mobile entertainment apps like Snapchat, Spotify, YouTube, and Netflix have become enormous. They offer video and other content for people to consume when they’re bored. Bored out of their minds and need something to stimulate their brains and minds.
People are stuck at home, but they need to eat. For people who don’t have the option or the resources to order every day, buying groceries cannot be skipped. But how can that happen without going out? Grocery apps. These apps are used to deliver and send groceries to people’s homes, and orders can be placed via an app.
An unstable economy and unpredictability of the market have urged people to invest and spend their money very carefully, making FinTech apps rise. These apps provide people with everyday knowledge regarding finance and money that they can use to guide themselves into making better financial decisions.
Dating apps have seen an enormous spike in their download rates after the spread of the pandemic. Since people cannot meet other people, they are engaging in online dates and meetups over video calls with people they meet online.
Here are some of the mobile app categories that have become popular in the COVID era and can shape the post COVID lives of millions of people around the world. For mobile app development services, these categories are the ones that you should focus on and try to innovate in.